Human Resources


Job offers

Post job offers on your website and follow the application process within the Kanban view

Employment websites

Link job offers from different employment websites to your module and keep an eye on all your offers

Recruitement process management

Manage a pipeline of candidates for your open positions and get organized with smart activities management


Manage everything from application emails to automatic answers right from the app


Keep track of all your applicants

Automatic indexation

Create a repository with all your applicants’ resumes, well organized and instantly accessible

Calendar integration

Schedule interviews and send meeting invites directly from Odoo and synchronise your Odoo calendar with Google Calendar.


Send online offers

Generate offer links for the selected candidates. Let them review the offer, upload their personal information and sign the offer

Salary configurator

Let your employees build their own benefits package:  gross salary, time off, meal voucher, etc.



Create employee profiles

Gather all information concerning each employee at one place.

Manage contracts

Keep track of your employees’ status, job titles, contract type and dates, and their schedule.

Manage timesheets

Create weekly and monthly timesheets and follow the time spent by your employees on projects.

Handle attendance

Keep track of your employees’ presence at work. HR managers can easily report employees' monthly presence with the menu entry and state.

Manage leaves

Manage holidays, legal leaves and sick days.


Get a dashboard per manager.


Enterprise social network

Follow employees and documents, join discussion groups, share files, and chat in real time.


Design challenges, goals and rewards with clear targets and objectives to drive engagement and reward your employees’ performance. 


Create appraisal plans

Setup several plans for each department. Create different phases, and add custom actions and forms to organize your appraisals the right way. 

Sort appraisals

Filter and sort appraisals by employee, status, deadline, appreciation and plan name to get a clear overview of evaluations.

Organize interviews

Easily configure who should receive a form. Define & select forms per roles. Manage evaluation schedule with stages. Request interviews for specific stages of your appraisal plan and for each employee. Track interviews and setup reminders in the calendar view.

Create surveys

Design surveys

Use existing templates to quickly create surveys or design your own surveys from scratch. Create multiple surveys for each step of the evaluation process.

Create templates

Turn existing surveys into template to easily use them again or customize existing ones.

Test surveys

Proof your surveys with colleagues and/or manager before sending them out to other employees. Ask for comments and reviews to perfect the content.

Export answers

Turn any evaluation filled by employees into a PDF form that can then be printed instantly.

Automate process

Create automatic actions

Allow Odoo to automatically send emails and requests for evaluation to each employee according to the schedule that was setup in the evaluation plan.